
Sunday, June 28, 2015

CnG Telecommunication System Engineering

Propagation Losse

Attenuation due to precipitation
Rain attenuation is the main contributor in 
the frequency range used by commercial 
radio links
Rain attenuation increases exponentially 
with rain intensity
The percentage of time for which a given 
rain intensity is attained or exceeded is 
available for 15 different rain zones 
covering the entire earth’s surface
The specific attenuation of rain is dependent on 
many parameters such as the form and size of 
distribution of the raindrops, polarization, rain 
intensity and frequency
Horizontal polarization gives more rain attenuation 
than vertical polarization
Rain attenuation increases with frequency and 
becomes a major contributor in the frequency bands 
above 10 GHz

The contribution due to rain attenuation is not 
included in the link budget and is used only in the 
calculation of rain fading

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