
Saturday, June 27, 2015


nRadio signals at UHF and VHF then get  trapped and can 
travel long distances before coming back to the Earth’s 

nThis effect is most prominent during the spring and 
summer months.

nRF waves below the warm air mass get trapped and travel 
great distances with little attenuation.

nThis area is called a DUCT

DUCTING and its causes
nIrregularities in the earth’s atmosphere affect 
troposphere transmission
nThe condition is known as “super refraction”
nSuper refraction occurs when the refractive index of 
the air decreases with height more rapidly than normal
nAlso increase of temperature with height (temperature 
inversion)  and increase of humidity of height
nAtmospheric pressure increases with height
nSo that bending of the radio wave is much more 
nThe region in which super refraction occurs
  is termed a DUCT, which can be formed both at the

Elevated striate (called elevated DUCT)
 Earth’s surface (called surface DUCT)

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