
Friday, April 10, 2015

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol).C&G Advanced Telecommunication Systems.EXAM BASED TUTORIAL LECTURE BY: LAAHIRU CHATHURANGA

 DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
Today I present this tutorial about DHCP.
IN advanced telecommunication systems subject exam paper they mostly, like every year they asked questions about DHCP. the most important point is there is difference between actual DHCP stages and C&G syllabus based DHCP stages.
So if we want to get marks we must learned DHCP stages relevant to C&G syllabus.

I'm help to provide a better tutorial to cover all the questions about DHCP and easily you can get 10 marks.
Introduced dhcp
DHCP is Dynamic Host Control Protocol.
Dynamic Host Configurations doing by DHCP servers.
Servers got a configurations pool
When client request  server lease a configuration to requested client.
If not configuration is gain added to pool.
If servers in a separate network a DHCP Relay agent used.
typical configurations by a DHCP  severs are
1)IP address
2)subnet mask
3)default gateway
4)domain names
5)DNS server address
List the four stages involved in a successful dynamic host control protocol client/DHCP server session?
Describe the function of each stages?
Now I provide tutorial how to answer for these question and get full marks.
DHCP Client-Server Stages.
You must give these stages for only c&g exam. Because now we didn’t use these stages.
function of each stages?
function of each stages?
TCP/IP protocol stack is initialized on the DHCP client computer.
The client doesn’t  have IP address yet & it has to request from the DHCP Servers.
Client broadcast a DHCP DISCOVER MESSAGE to the available servers through on UDP PORT 67.
MESSAGE contain MAC address of the client.

Server responds by sending a DHCP OFFER packet.
CLIENT select on DHCP OFFER (set of configurations) among all DHCP OFFERS.
The DHCP server responds DHCP DISCOVER by sending a DHCP OFFER PACKET as broadcast on UDP PORT 68.

DHCP OFFER message contains the required IP configurations information for the client and MAC address of relevant client.
Thank you.
Laahiru chathuranga.
Any information contact me

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